what is circuit training?

If you’re looking for a full-body workout in 30 minutes or less, circuit training does the trick. You get the benefits of muscle building and toning along with an intense cardio workout.
Boredom and time constraints are frequently cited reasons for giving up on a fitness routine. That’s the positive point of circuit training: You can sweat through a total-body, strength-boosting and calorie burning at turbo speed, without even leaving your own living room. That is why it is considered cost worthy.
Circuit training is best used by intermediate trainees who have already established good technique with a wide variety of exercises and a baseline level of strength and fitness but Due to the short recovery periods and variety involved beginners may be overwhelmed.
Circuit training is great for fat loss. Approximately, in a 1-hour circuit training session, a 150-pound person burns about 308 calories at a moderate intensity; and 573 calories at a vigorous intensity. An all-strength circuit burns 30 percent more calories, about 9 per min, than a typical weight workout and offers more cardio benefits.
It is also a good type of training for people who like to train in groups and other people and a lot of circuit sessions happen with a class. Typically, a circuit training class will consist of a number of different exercise stations being set up around a room. The participants will be split up into groups of two or three people, each starting at one specific station and doing the exercise at that station for a set period of time. Once the time’s passed, you get a short rest and then you move on to the next exercise with the rest of your group. This cycle continues until the class is over and everyone’s completed all the exercises.
Circuit training is a style of workout where you cycle through multiple exercises targeting different muscle groups with minimal rest in between. a circuit program usually comprises 5 to 10 exercises and should be structured in a way that enables you to keep performing the exercises with good technique and very short rest intervals. the result is a workout that taxes your muscular strength and endurance and your cardiorespiratory system. Circuit training is also an excellent way to improve mobility and stamina.
The quick pace and constant changing nature of circuit training places a unique type of stress on the body, which differs from normal exercise activities, like weight training and cardiovascular conditioning. In each circuit, try to ensure that no two consecutive exercises exercise the same muscle group. The duration can be based on time (e.g. 30 seconds) or set to half the number of repetitions of the exercise the athlete can complete in 60 seconds of 100% effort.
Allow at least 20-30 minutes for the workout. If you’re new to the moves, work with a trainer or take a class so you learn how to do each exercise right.
Though people sometimes use the terms “circuit training” and “interval training” interchangeably, they’re not the same thing.
interval training is a cardio workout. You choose your aerobic exercise like swimming, running, cycling or rowing, for example, and perform intervals of high-intensity effort alternated with periods of recovery. For example, during a jog, you would break into a one-minute sprint, then return to your jog for one to two minutes to recover. You would repeat the intervals for the duration of your workout.
Interval training primarily improves cardiorespiratory function. The heart is intermittently overloaded during interval training in a way that steady-state training can’t achieve. As the muscles adapt and become stronger during resistance training, the lungs and heart adapt to handle the increasing load of high-intensity exercise. Improved heart function allows more efficient delivery of blood to working muscles, increasing their ability to work harder for longer periods of time.
There are a number of ways to do circuit training. Some workouts focus on only cardio, some only on strength, and others combine both. In this workout, you’ll be alternating a strength move with a cardio exercise so Circuit training does not necessary have to be one type of training(aerobic or anaerobic) and it can be a mixture of them.
Strength training: Strength training is also referred to as anaerobic training, which would be a short burst of energy for movement. Think of a push-up or pull-up. These exercises help build and tone muscle.
endurance training: endurance training means using oxygen for energy production and is the same as aerobic training. Your heart rate increases to get oxygen where your body needs it, thus the word “cardio.” Running, biking, or jumping jacks would be examples of aerobic exercise.
As an example you may alternate 1-2 sets of resistance exercise (body weight, free weights, dumbbells, kettle bells, bands, etc.), with brief bouts of cardiovascular exercise (jogging in place, stationary cycling, rowing, etc.) lasting anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes.
One of the most famous circuit program usually used by coaches is a combination of these exercises (may be in different orders):
• Do as many push-ups as you can in 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds.
• Do as many squats as you can in 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds.
• Do as many sit-ups as you can in 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds.
• Do as many lunges as you can in 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds.
• Do as many chin-ups as you can in 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds.
Circuit training is an excellent option to help you lose weight along with a healthy diet. So if you need to lose weight because you have a condition like diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, this may be a good choice for you but before doing any type of training, make sure you talk to a specialist. You might be better off starting with something easier, especially if you have any heart problems, also If you have arthritis, choose low-impact exercises. Don’t do any moves that put pounding pressure on painful joints, like jumping jacks, and If you have a knee or back injury, circuit training isn’t for you. Once you’re recovered, it could be an option.
There are mainly 4 approaches to circuit training in general:
Timed Circuit: This type of circuit involves working to a set time period for both rest and exercise intervals. The work / rest time ratio can be customized to the group or individual doing the circuit. For example, a typical timed circuit for a group of people with average fitness might involve 30 seconds of exercise and 30 seconds of rest. Whereas a timed circuit for athletes might involve 80 seconds of exercise and 20 seconds of rest.
Competition Circuit: This is similar to a timed circuit but you push yourself to see how many repetitions you can do in the set time period. For example, you may be able to complete 12 push-ups in 30 seconds. The idea is to keep the time period the same, but try to increase the number of repetitions you can do in the set time period.
Repetition Circuit: This type of circuit is great if you’re working with large groups of people who have different levels of fitness and ability. The idea is that the fittest group might do, say 20 repetitions of each exercise, the intermediate group might only do 15 repetitions, while the beginners might only do 10 repetitions of each exercise.
Sport Specific or Running Circuit: This type of circuit is best done outside or in a large, open area. Choose exercises that are specific to your particular sport, or emphasize an aspect of your sport you’d like to improve. Then instead of simply resting between exercises, run easy for 200 or 400 meters. You can even use sprints or fast 400 meter runs as part of your choice of exercises.
Before launching into a circuit workout, spend at least five (and up to 15) minutes warming up, depending on how much time you have. A solid warm-up helps you avoid injury and preps your body to get to work.