what you need to know about serine(L-serine)

L-serine is a semi essential amino acid(conditionally essential amino acid) which helps in brain development, synthesis of proteins, neurotransmitters and lipids. This amino acid is derived form glycine and L-cysteine.
Amino acids shape our living cells and the antibodies that make up our immune systems.
Semi essential amino acids are amino acids which can be synthesized in your body, but in certain circumstances, like intense training, before puberty or during illness you need to get them straight from foods(not necessary all of it though) to meet the body requirements.
It is believed that L-serine could significantly delay Alzheimer’s disease and the progress of its symptoms to some degree based on a study done by Brain Chemistry Laboratories in the Institute for Ethnomedicine done by Aleksandra Stark, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center.
Researchers believe that this amino acid may offer neuroprotection and contribute to neurological and central nerves system health if included in daily dietary intake.
It not only by itself helps the brain and neurons, it is also needed for the production of tryptophan, an essential amino acid that’s used to make serotonin, a powerful hormone which helps brain cells and other nervous system cells to communicate with each other and also helps with sleeping, eating, and digestion.
In the field of sports and athletics, serine is also promoted due to its effect on reducing tiredness and fatigue in athletes. One study published by Biochemical and Molecular Medicine found when patients with chronic fatigue syndrome had a urine examination, compared to normal charts, these patients had serine levels that were comparably reduced.
D-Serine can help prevent cognitive decline. It is also believed to reduce symptoms of cocaine withdrawal and schizophrenia. This may also be because it helps with sleep disorders and REM cycle.
Research on its full potential and claims around this substance is still ongoing.