protease enzyme explained

Digestion is the breakdown of large and insoluble food molecules(carbohydrates, proteins and fats) into small and soluble substances to be absorbed into the blood.

There are three main types of digestive enzymes:


 Break down protein into small peptides and amino acids


 Break down fat into three fatty acids plus a glycerol molecule.

Amylases and Maltase

 Break down carbs into simple sugars.

Protein is described as the “building block” of our body. an essential component in many physical structures and processes. However like every other type of nutrient, we need to be able to extract it from either our diet or other source.
Protease(also called Proteolytic enzyme, proteinases and Proteolysis) is an enzyme that breaks long chain molecules of protein into shorter chains (peptide) and eventually separates all elements of the chain and creates amino acid.
Proteases are the main executioners of a common chemical reaction: the hydrolysis of peptide bonds. hydrolysis is simply put the act of adding water to food molecules. meaning to make us able to digest the insoluble food, we need to add water to it first to make it soluble.

proteases regulate the fate, localization, and activity of many proteins, modulate protein-protein interactions, create new bioactive molecules, contribute to the processing of cellular information, and generate, transduce, and amplify molecular signals. for these reasons protease plays an important role in DNA replication and transcriptionBlood clotting, Cell division and cell proliferation and differentiation, maturation of prohormones, bone formationheat shock and unfolded protein responsesRecycling of proteins, autophagy and Immune support.
There are 641 protease genes in our body and Proteolysis occurs in practically all stages of a cell’s life, in all cell compartments and in many stages of a protein’s existence, Protease inhibitors are useful medically (like in angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for blood pressure, HIV inhibitors, proteasome inhibitors for myeloma, dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitors for type II diabetes). Proteases are useful industrially (like clarifying beer and wines, preparation of leather and tenderizing).

proteases aids hugely in digestive purposes, extracellular modeling and remodeling of tissues, mainly through proteolytic activity on interstitial molecules, occurring throughout homeostasis and development or, in aberrant maladaptive circumstances, during disease pathogenesis.
There are different types of proteolytic enzymes, which are classified according to sites at which they catalyze the cleavage of proteins. exopeptidases and endopeptidases.
Exopeptidase: An enzyme that catalyzes the cleavage of the terminal (last) or next-to-last peptide bond from a polypeptide or protein, releasing a single amino acid or dipeptide. By contrast, an endopeptidase catalyzes the cleavage of then internal peptide bonds within a polypeptide or protein.
by helping the digestive process, protease enzymes may help people who experience indigestion symptoms like loss of appetite, bloating, and abdominal discomfort.

Athletes consider protein to be a major part of their health regimen, and protease may factor in as well. In one study, a protease enzyme blend reduced muscle tenderness and soreness post-workout over placebo.
both plants and animals have proteases, and in some cases, incorporating plant enzymes is a great option. Two popular proteases that come from plant sources are papain from papayas and bromelain from pineapples. Both of these have been used for their ability to break down proteins for centuries, but as a meat tenderizer, not for health reasons.
These are two of the most popular food sources, but there are others as well, such as ginger, asparagus, kiwifruit and kimchi. Another option is getting proteases from supplements for a variety of health support functions. For example, using protease in a plant-based digestive formula, will help with nutrient absorption while supporting digestive function; However, proteases are also used to help address excessive mucus due to allergies or temperature changes.
Proteases likely arose at the earliest stages of protein evolution as simple destructive enzymes necessary for protein catabolism and the generation of amino acids in primitive organisms. For many years, studies on proteases focused on their original roles as blunt aggressors associated with protein demolition.
Proteases also play key roles in plants and contribute to the processing, maturation, or destruction of specific sets of proteins in response to developmental cues or to variations in environmental conditions.