lets talk about uric acid

Uric acid

Uric acid is a natural waste product that forms when chemicals called purines break down inside body. The liver and intestinal mucosa produce most of the uric acid.
The kidneys eliminate two thirds of the uric acid, with the gastrointestinal tract excreting the other one third.



too much uric acid can build up in blood vessels If the amount of purines in the body is out of balance with the body’s ability to process them; This condition is called hyperuricemia.
fructose is a main form of simple sugar in processed and refined foods. Researchers have found that fructose could lead to hyperuricemia. faster absorption of refined sugars spikes your blood sugar levels and also leads to hyperuricemia.

hyperuricemia is not the only reason for kidney stone since There are various types of kidney stones and uric acid stones are just one type.

how to know if you have hyperuricemia

if you want to know whether you have high amount of uric acid or not, you can do three things:

1- urinalysis

 the urinalysis looks for blood, white blood cells, and crystals in your urine.

2- blood test You may

have tests of your blood and urine to find out what’s causing the high levels uric acid.

3- joint fluid examination

doctor will put a syringe inside your joint and pull a sample of joint fluid with a needle.


how to treat hyperuricemia

Drink plenty of water

 water aids in digestion and decreases uric acid concentrations in the blood.

Eat more fibre

 fibre will help body get rid of uric acid. Fibre can also balance your blood sugar and insulin levels. It also tends to increase satiety and help lower the risk of overeating. a whole-foods, plant-based diet may lower overall levels of inflammation and reduce the risk of developing other types of arthritis.

eat foods containing vitamin C

 vitamin C(or Ascorbic acid) reduces levels of uric acid in the blood based on some research.


what does uric acid do?

uric acid in certain times acts as an antioxidant but It also can cause Gout and may even cause kidney stones which have symptoms such as Severe pain along your lower back(The pain may also travel to your genitals), Nausea, Vomiting, Urgent need to urinate and Blood in your urine.


sources of uric acid

uric acid is found in organ meats, pork, turkey, fish and shellfish, scallops, mutton, veal, cauliflower, green peas, dried beans and mushrooms.


purine food sources

purine is also present in deer (venison), deli meats, trout, tuna, haddock, sardines, poultry, anchovies, mussels, herring, oyster, shrimp, crab, lobster, excess alcohol including beer and liquor, bacon, dairy products, red meat, organ meats like liver and sweetbreads, sugary foods and beverages(try including foods with low purine index in your diet such as coffee, whole-grain rice, whole-grain bread, whole-grain potatoes, most fruits and vegetables, peanut butter and most nuts, low-fat and fat-free dairy products).

People who have problem with metabolizing purines(especially people diagnosed with hyperuricemia or gout) are advised to limit intake of high purine foods and drinks. Purines are found in the cells of all living creatures so you cannot eliminate them completely from your diet.


types of purine

there are two types of purine: Endogenous purines and Exogenous purines

When endogenous and exogenous purines are processed in the body, they make a by-product called uric acid. about 90% of uric acid is reabsorbed into the body, and the rest is excreted in the urine and feces.

Endogenous purines

About 70% of purines in the body are endogenous. These purines are synthesized inside our body and found inside its cells. our cells are in a constantly dying and regenerating and the endogenous purines from damaged, dying or dead cells get recycled.

Exogenous purines

Purines that enter body with diet are called exogenous purines. These purines are metabolized by the body as well.


risk factors of hyperuricemia

Uric acid can collect in your body for many reasons such as diet, genetics, taking certain diuretics (like furosemide (Lasix) and hydrochlorothiazide which sometimes are called water pills), aspirin or Immune-suppressing drugs, obesity or being overweight, alcohol, high intake of Niacin(vitamin B-3), stress and hypothyroidism.
Many health professionals recommend treating hyperuricemia through diet, lifestyle changes or medication.
hyperuricemia are known to be associated with high blood pressure and It can also make your blood and urine too acidicCoronary artery disease and congestive heart failure are both associated with hyperuricemia. small evidence suggests that hyperuricemia may cause hypertension or worsen it.
a study found that about 50% of patients who were hospitalized or died of heart failure also had hyperuricemia. Some researchers theorize that an enzyme that produces uric acid(not uric acid itself) had a role in coronary artery disease.
Asymptomatic hyperuricemia is associated with type 2 diabetes. Some researchers believe that uric acid levels may affect how the pancreas works and cause insulin resistance.
hyperuricemia can lead to a disease called gout that causes painful joints that accumulate urate crystals.
huge weight loss(especially because fasting) can also cause hyperuricemia. you should focus on making long term sustainable changes to manage your weight like becoming more active, eating a balanced diet and choosing nutrient-dense foods, not only to prevent hyperuricemia, but prevent other health side effect of weight loss as well.
Drinking alcohol can dehydrate you and cause hyperuricemia. This happens because kidneys must first filter products that exist in the blood due to alcohol instead of uric acid and other wastes. besides, Some types of alcoholic drinks such as beer are also high in purines.