how to do deadlift? (conventional deadlift and romanian deadlift)

when it comes to compound movements or multi-joint exercises, a lot of factors come into play, your flexibility, stability, joint health, and even your genetic capabilities. before going through the details I have to say this video is not going to cover every single aspect of this work-out because of complications it has so if something seems odd to you or you just do not feel it in the muscles this workout is designed to work on, like your glutes, hamstring, Erector spinae or spine erectors, quads, lats, rhomboid, and traps, it means you need some adjustment to align it with your physical ability. in this case, make sure you leave a comment below about your experience so I can help you out with future videos about this exercise or other exercises. this is not something to worry about, actually, this is highly possible since, as mentioned, everybody is different and this exercise targets the whole body so everything must work with each other. compound movements should have low repetitions since they can fatigue your body fast and if one part is lagging or gets tired, it can ruin your form and posture and compromise health. also the main reason for doing compound movements is to build overall strength and power so high reps are not going to benefit you that much with that, but at the same time since you are as strong as your weakest link, you must choose a weight that is easy to handle and control with your weakest body part as well and stop doing more reps as soon as one part is losing the control. as a general guide, reps between 5 to 10 are the best choice for deadlifts and other compound movements. when performing a lift, you should consider the flexibility of your posterior compartment, meaning your calf, hamstring, glutes, and back. if they lack the ability to stretch properly, you need to either adjust the height and bring the bar higher or do not do the exercise and do a lot of stretches first for a few days and even weeks. also if you have problems with your spine discs, meniscus and knee, hip joint range of motion(whether because your legs are longer than your torso, which happens to tall people a lot, or you have a limitation anatomically with your bones in your hip), shoulder blade and shoulder joint problem(even if you have a history of dislocation), wrist issues, ankle flexibility problem(whether because of tightness in calves or restriction of bones in your tarsals), you should aim for higher reps, even more than 10 and talk to a specialist if you feel any pain or discomfort.