what you need to know about threonine(L-threonine)

Threonine is one of the nine essential amino acid(EAAs). Amino acids are the building blocks of protein molecules. The “essential” amino acids are those that you cannot create or synthesize by itself and must be obtained from the dietary sources. It is an important residue(or debris in some sense) of many proteins, such as tooth enamel, collagen, and elastin.

Threonine is believed to be safe when taken up to 4 grams daily are by mouth for up to 12 months. But it is not recommended for people with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease).There is concern that threonine might worsen lung function in patients with ALS.

what health benefits does threonine have?

although there has not been much scientific research that backs up threonine benefits, yet People use threonine for conditions such as a spasticity(muscle control disorder marked by involuntary movements and muscle tightness), multiple sclerosis (MS), familial spastic paraparesis or FSP(inherited disorders marked by weakness and stiffness in the legs). The reason behind this usage is that Threonine is morphed inside body to two main chemicals called glycine and serine. Glycine by itself works in brain to hinder constant and unwanted muscle contractions (spasticity) that is why L-threonine has been used clinically for some time with the aim of increasing glycine concentrations in the cerebral spinal fluid of patients with spasticity.

L-Threonine acts as a lipotropic in controlling fat build-up in the liver and prevents excessive liver fat(because it plays an important role in porphyrin which is a metabolite that refers to any substance involved in metabolism).. It even helps combat mental illness to some degree and may be very useful in indigestion and intestinal malfunctions. Nutrients are more readily absorbed when threonine is present.

since it has been shown to help with liver fat balance, lots of athletes take it to increase nutrition absorption and prevent over stressing their digestive systems.

What food sources contain threonine?

Greek feta cheese

Rapeseed oil and Fish oil

Green lentil

Apple and Mango

Wheat, Rice and Oat






